17 a 19/05 Toppers in Concert – 3 dias de show (público =
23/05 – Drive in no Gramado
(Lançamento do filme Men in Black III – Evento VIP, fechado de Rede de TV
Holandesa, com 315 carros no gramado).
24 a 25/05 – Acompanhamento da troca total do Gramado, com retirada da
grama antiga, seleção, tratamento e retirada de grama em fazenda, transporte
dos Maxi rolos (1,2 x 20m) até o Estádio, renivelamento a laser, plantio na
Amsterdan Arena e preparação para jogo.
24/05 Meia noite – início dos trabalhos de retirada da grama
(todos os restos retirados reaproveitados como substrato na Fazenda).
24/05 Cinco da manhã – metade do campo já sem
grama, inicia-se a renivelamento a laser.
24/05 Meio dia – término da retirada total da
grama antiga e início do replantio (com grama retirada na Fazenda em Veghel, a
270Km de Amsterdam – produtor profissional, especialmente contratado para
produzir 10.000m2 de material vegetal de alta qualidade).
24/05 Até à meia noite – término do replantio
(campo todo renivelado e plantado).
25/05 – Cinco da manhã – recolocação das traves
e preparo para jogo (escova, corte, irrigação, marcação das linhas de
jogo, retoques finais).
25/05 – Meio dia – Campo pronto para jogo.
Em 36h o campo está todo replantado e pronto
para jogo.
26/05 –
20h Holanda x Bulgária – 52.400 espectadores.
Reparação dos buracos de jogo no intervalo da
Final do Jogo.
Esta é uma das atividades de aprimoramento
técnico que o Artur faz desde que iniciou seus trabalhos em Gramados
Esportivos, há 17 anos, com visita à França (antes mesmo da Copa de 98), Espanha, Suiça, Portugal, Alemanha, Itália, Holanda, USA, Argentina e Canadá.
Quando residíamos em Los Angeles, cansei de ir
ao Coliseu, para eventos que iam desde, Motocross, Jogos de futebol, Basketball, convenções de tudo o que se possa imaginar e
até com uma Feira que na America do Norte chama-se, “Swap Meet” ou “Flea Market”,
Uma Feira onda não se cobra “impostos”, e onde qualquer um pode vender o que
tem, “paga uma taxa de utilização de espaço”, por isso tem este nome, Feira das
Pulgas, onde qualquer pode ir e vir “pular para qualquer lado”.
E no outro dia, o gramado do Coliseu estava impecável.
E isto era no final dos anos 70’ e década de 80’, ou seja, a tecnologia foi
melhorada e se teremos alguns “elefantes brancos”, no Brasil, será apenas por
falta de conhecimento de seus administradores, sejam eles, os “governadores” ou
os que forem indicados para serem seus administradores. E que normalmente são
parentes, amigos ou indicados de partidos políticos ou de amizades, o que é uma
Artur Melo, engenheiro, profissional altamente
especializado e seguramente um dos mais bem capacitado profissional de instalação
de campos profissionais, ou seja, em gramados esportivos no Brasil. Parabéns
meu camarada e tudo de bom.
Fonte: Amsterdam Arena. Fotos: Artur Melo.
Comentário: Roberto Queiroz. Tradução: Roberto
Queiroz e Roberto Queiroz Junior.
17 to 19/05 Toppers in Concert - 3 days of show (public = 64.000/night).
23/05 - Drive in the Lawn (Release of the movie Men in Black III - VIP Event, closed Dutch TV network, with 315 cars on the lawn).
24 to 25/05 - Monitoring of the total exchange of the grass, removing the old grass, screening, treatment and removal of grass on the farm, transport rollers Maxi (1.2 x 20m) to the stadium, flatness by laser, planting in Amsterdam Arena and preparation for the game.
24/05 Midnight - start of work on removal of grass (all debris removed reused send as a substrate to the farm).
24/05 Five in the morning - half the field has no grass, begins the re flatness by laser.
24/05 Noon - completion of the full removal of old grass and early re vegetation (with grass removed from the farm in Veghel, 270km from Amsterdam - professional producer, specially commissioned to produce 10.000m2 of high quality grass material).
24/05 until midnight - end of removal and entire field was planted.
25/05 - Five in the morning - replacement of the goalie posts and preparing for the game (brush cutting, irrigation, marking the lines of play, finishing touches).
25/05 - Noon - Field ready for play.
36h in the field is replanted and all ready to play.
26/05 - 20h x Netherlands Bulgaria - 52,400 spectators.
End of game.
This is a technical improvement of the activities of the Artur Melo who has it been since he began his work in Grasslands Sports 17 years ago, with a visit to France (even before the World Cup 98), Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, USA, Argentina and Canada.
This is a technical improvement of the activities of the Artur Melo who has it been since he began his work in Grasslands Sports 17 years ago, with a visit to France (even before the World Cup 98), Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, USA, Argentina and Canada.
When was living
in Los Angeles, I got tired of going to the Coliseum for events ranging from,
Motocross, Football games, Basketball, conventions everything that do you can
imagine and even with a fair in North America that is called, " Swap Meet "or" Flea
Market ", A Fair does not charge" taxes ", at the buyer’s and
where anyone can sell what have, "they only pay a fee for use of space,"
why has this name, Flea Fair “Market”, where anyone can come and go "jump to any side."
And the next day, the lawn of the Coliseum was impeccable. And this was in the late 70'0 and 80's, ie, the technology has improved today and if we goes to have some "white elephants" in Brazil is only for lack of knowledge of their manager’s, they, the "governors "or the manager’s that are place there to make money. Which usually are relatives, friends or appointed party or friends, which is a shame.
Artur Melo, engineer, highly specialized professional and certainly one of the well-prepared professional installations of professional fields, or on lawns sports in Brazil. Congratulation’s buddy and nice fly back home.
Source: Amsterdam Arena. Photos: Arthur Melo.
Comment: Roberto Queiroz. Translation: Roberto Queiroz and Roberto Queiroz Junior.
And the next day, the lawn of the Coliseum was impeccable. And this was in the late 70'0 and 80's, ie, the technology has improved today and if we goes to have some "white elephants" in Brazil is only for lack of knowledge of their manager’s, they, the "governors "or the manager’s that are place there to make money. Which usually are relatives, friends or appointed party or friends, which is a shame.
Artur Melo, engineer, highly specialized professional and certainly one of the well-prepared professional installations of professional fields, or on lawns sports in Brazil. Congratulation’s buddy and nice fly back home.
Source: Amsterdam Arena. Photos: Arthur Melo.
Comment: Roberto Queiroz. Translation: Roberto Queiroz and Roberto Queiroz Junior.
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